@benknispel Zur Entschädigung für den (voraussichtlich) bewölkten Himmel darf man auf spektakuläre Bilder von der Mondsonde #FireFly #BlueGhost hoffen: Die soll Fotos des Ereignisses machen, das von der Mondoberfläche betrachtet eine Sonnenfinsternis ist, bei der sich die Erde vor die Sonne schiebt:
(via @dlr_next)
Además, algunas cosas que me gustan (así, sin orden ni concierto):
#DoctorWho, #GoodOmens, #StarTrek, #Firefly, #JurassicPark, #TheCranberries, #Nightwish, #MitologíaNórdica, #Loki (tanto el mitológico como el de #Marvel), #Miniaturas, #Artesanía (especialmente #Cosmética, #Cuero y #Resina), #numismática, #Impresión3D, #acuariofilia …
Juego a #PokemonGo. #PokemonGoFriends: 0131 3999 8371 (Marino).
Blue Ghost: The Commercial Moon Lander Achieves Lunar Soft Landing
On 2 March 2025, Blue Ghost, the moon lander built by the private company Firefly Aerospace touched down safely on lunar surface near a volcanic...........
#artemismoonmission #BlueGhost #Blueghostlander #CLPS #Firefly #FireflyAerospace #Lander #Lunarsoftlanding #Moonlander #Softlanding
LISTER Drill Surface Operations. NASA's instrument for subsurface thermal exploration began drilling into the surface shortly after landing to determine the heat flow from the interior of the Moon.
Released Mar. 10, 2025, Credit: Firefly Aerospace
Hackaday Links: March 9, 2025 - It’s been a busy week in space news, and very little of it was good. We’ll start w... - https://hackaday.com/2025/03/09/hackaday-links-march-9-2025/ #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #righttorepair #blueghost #bricking #firmware #starship #brother #firefly #printer #saturnv #slider #legday #spacex #warner #moom #nasa #drm #dvd #rud
We Landed on the Moon! Blue Ghost Week 7 Update
The show of the day is Firefly with 2 characters and a show score of 53.50
Show of the Day: Firefly
The LezWatch.TV show of the day is "Firefly," with 2 characters and an overall score of 53.50. - #LWTVsotd #Firefly - https://lezwatchtv.com/show/firefly/
Deployment of the Lunar Magnetotelluric Sounder (LMS) electrodes to the surface and a 8-foot mast above the top deck. LMS will be used to characterize the structure and composition of the Moon’s mantle.
Mar. 7, 2025, Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qQzm68
#BlueGhost Lunar Surface Shadow Selfie
Shortly after landing, Blue Ghost's captured another shadow selfie showing the deployed X-band antenna (left) and LEXI payload (right) on the top deck.
Mar. 7, 2025, Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qQBz4r
One of Blue Ghost's 10 NASA Payloads, Lunar PlanetVac successfully collected, transferred, and sorted lunar soil from the Moon using pressurized nitrogen gas.
Mar. 6, 2025, Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qQkj7S
Absolutely stunning footage of the Firefly Blue Ghost landing on the moon. The HD vision of the moon and landing is almost unreal.
#space #blueghost #firefly #moon cc:bsky
#space #moon #firefly #commercial
See Firefly Blue Ghost's descent and landing on moon in amazing video
And if you haven't seen the amazing #BlueGhost landing video yet, go give it a watch! It shows really amazing dynamics and lighting with the lunar dust near touchdown.
I've been busy reconstructing the landing profile of #BlueGhost from the amazing landing video.
Relative to the LRO NAC mosaic from Quickmap, my landing coordinate estimate is 18.56349°N, 61.80990°E
Elon Musk has done a lot of horrible things lately, but the personal affront for me is that he stole my lifelong joy of space flight from me. Thanks, Firefly. That video just brought it back. And I'll celebrate even more the day you can launch it on your own MLV launch vehicle. Rooting for you!
Blue Ghost Mission 1 - Lunar PlanetVac on the Moon
The Lunar PlanetVac instrument, designed for the sample collection of lunar regolith, was deployed to the lunar surface and is shown at the end of Blue Ghost’s surface access arm.
Mar. 4, 2025, Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qQ7MyQ