The other day, I randomly got an urge to make a dog version of my Bandit Ferret character.
I was going to just add long hair to his ferret form but it didn't look right to me. So, I love the trope of cartoon dogs with floppy ears resembling hair. But, you usually see this done with female characters; never really male ones. So I decided to do this with Bandit, and oh my god I love the result. It gives him a 1970s rocker vibe and I absolutely love it. I was also gonna make his face markings look more like an English springer spaniel's, but again it didn't look right so I decided to let him keep his unique ferret mask even in dog form.
The ferret form isn't going away, but the dog form is there as an alternate.
Now, great, I have a crush on my own character now kjsdhfksdjhf