Tadjikistan/Afghanistan border, 2018. • • • #solotravel #backpacking #overland #overlanding #tadjikistan #afghanistan #travel #photography #nature #mountains #river #hindukush
Tadjikistan/Afghanistan border, 2018. • • • #solotravel #backpacking #overland #overlanding #tadjikistan #afghanistan #travel #photography #nature #mountains #river #hindukush
Climate Change Impact Assessment On The Hydrological Regime Of The Kaligandaki Basin, Nepal
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.332 <-- shared paper
• The rise in temperature and increase in precipitation is projected in future in Kaligandaki River basin.
• The water availability in the basin is not likely to decrease during this century.
• The change in water balance in the upper sub-basins of Kaligandaki River is higher.
• The output from this research could be beneficial for water resources management..."
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Nepal #Kaligandaki #riverbasin #basin #river #hydrology #model #modeling #numericmodeling #climatechange #temperature #precipitation #ET ##waterresources #water #watersecurity #waterbalance #impactassessment #humanimpacts #freshwater #HinduKush #himalayas #SWAT #prediction #projection #cimip5 #gcm #waterbalance #snowmelt #evapotranspiration #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal
Rising Temperatures Speeding Up Himalayan Glacier Loss
The report from the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development in Kathmandu finds that #glaciers in the #HinduKush and #Himalaya mountain range region melted 65% faster from 2010 through 2019 than in the previous decade.
The finding adds to a growing body of evidence that the consequences of #ClimateChange are speeding up, and that some changes will be irreversible.