All that time invested into getting working copy to work with iOS shortcuts just to ultimately find out that pushing to a repo is a Pro feature… #iOS #shortcuts #blogging #Hugo
Just posted a brief description of how I incorporated the HTML details disclosure element into my emacs to ox-hugo to hugo stream. Many who are more tech-savvy than I will find this obvious, but it might be helpful to some.
Like many others, I post notes about my reading in my blog. Some of those notes are rather long, and some readers might stop scrolling and leave the page before noticing a book that they might find interesting. But TIL about the HTML details disclosure element. Now I have a short summary, and readers can click on the summary to reveal the entire note. Seems much cleaner to me. (And #emacs, #oxhugo, and #hugo make it very easy to do this.)
This was also an opportunity to test Obsidian's new Web Viewer plugin. It is so much of a smoother experience, being able to edit your text and see the effect right away. If you use something like Hugo's dev server locally, it will cause the page to re-render each time the file gets saved, so changes are near-instantaneous.
Great stuff!
I'm looking at these two Hugo themes for my site:
I'm indecisive rn so, I'm gonna get feedback from people here.
I have now worked for close to a decade with #Git and feel pretty confident using it nearly every day.
Still, whenever I have to deal with submodules, I feel incompetent as hell. It almost feels like that is by design
IMO #HUGO definitely should have a different mechanism for including themes by default.
For most of my sites I can manage that issue with #Nix at least.
ERROR deprecated: data.GetJSON was deprecated in Hugo v0.123.0 and will be removed in Hugo 0.140.0. use resources.Get or resources.GetRemote with transform.Unmarshal
A couple of years back I wrote a blog post about linking my static blog posts to Mastodon threads so that the threads can serve as blog comments.
I realise I never pinned that post to my profile, and I have since deleted the Mastodon thread, so I'm sharing it again. I'm pinning it this time!
Hey @NVAccess someone wanted me to record going through their #Hugo and #Eleventy website, on video, using a screen reader and upload the video to PeerTube. Is there any visual things I can do to make the experience easier to follow for sighted viewers? I've enabled speech viewer but I can't seem to alt tab to it? Am I supposed to dock the speech viewer on the side of the screen or keep it focused? I have the highlight enabled. Is there anything else I can do to make the keystrokes easier to follow visually built into NVDA itself?
@koehntopp yes #hugo and it does not even need any account anywhere. just create your static pages and upload it on any webspace. in combination with #gitops workflows it's a powerful tool. I am running my own blog for many years with #hugo
Yay! I've added #Mastodon social share to my #Hugo site:
<button onclick="mastodonShare('{{ $url }}')" aria-label="Mastodon" rel="nofollow"><i class="fa-brands fa-mastodon fa-lg"></i></button>
function mastodonShare(src) {
domain = prompt("Enter your Mastodon domain:", "");
if (domain == null || domain == "") {
} else {
url = "https://" + domain + "/share?text=" + src;, '_blank');
I've been putting together a website for my partner's research group (as one does). I went with #hugo because that's what I use in my personal site but this time I found a lot more friction. Granted, it was a more complex setup (multilingual + Decap CMS + existing template) but man, Hugo can be cryptic with its error messages. And you better pin a specific version as it tends to break things between upgrades.
What do people use for static sites nowadays?
Did you know that by default your zippy static website created with #hugo and served via #caddy doesn't support HTTP content compression? And did you know that of the three common compression options (gzip, zstd, and brotli), brotli gets substantially better compression results for most content (better than zstd!) and is supported by basically everything?
I wrote up a few details here:
I also wrote a tool to make pre-compressing directories full of web pages much less complicated, see
Building an IndieWeb house (II): Hugo and syndicating elsewhere
#blog #blogging #IndieWeb #SmallWeb
Part II of a write up of a talk I gave on the whys and hows of this blog. Covers the basics of using the SSG #Hugo and sharing posts around on social media.
Gonna be building my #AspDotNet admin interface then … just to be able to rebuild a #Hugo site manually, or when some file changed.
#Hugo, why is there no option to perform a full rebuild of the entire site if some file changed (when watching for changes)?
If I change the title of one page, none of the other pages is rebuilt, and menu entries get out-of-date very fast.
I've written about how we've migrated the @OpenBio website from Wordpress to Hugo. Which was surprisingly easy, especially given that the OBF website has been around since _2001_, so there's nearly 25 years worth of blog posts, conference pages etc.