I've made release 0.3.0 of sopass, my command line password manager that uses a Stateless OpenPGP implementation for cryptography.
* configuration file
* add value from named file or stdin
* default to rsop
* manual page, built-in help
I made a couple of changes to sopass, my command line password manager that uses a Stateless OpenPGP implementation for cryptography.
* It no longer creates the configuration file.
* It has built-in help for all sub-commands, options, and other command line arguments.
There is also a rudimentary manual page.
Man kann den #passwortmanager #pass von https://www.passwordstore.org/ tatsächlich in knapp einer Stunde auch auf Windows zum Laufen bekommen (KAF = kids acceptance factor). Man braucht nur noch #gpg und #git und dann kann es auch schon losgehen:
https://github.com/mbos/Pass4Win#readme + https://www.gpg4win.de/download-de.html
Das Kind ist total happy, dass es die Passworte nun nicht mehr nur auf dem #iphone #ios hat Das andere hat sich für die "Passwörter" #app auf #ios entschieden. Mal sehen wie lange noch
Secure storage of shell secrets such as API keys
Computer professionals all know that secrets like API keys and passwords for services must be kept safe, but it isn't always clear how to do so in a way that isn't overly cumbersome. In this post, I am going to go through how I achieve this on macOS using GnuPG. I'm using GnuPG because I use both macOS and Linux on a regular basis
There's a lot of interest in #pass -like tools, but without being bound to #gnupg
One exciting early stage exploration by @kushal uses the standard #SOP mechanism (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-dkg-openpgp-stateless-cli/).
Kushal's experimental fork of pass can already directly use #OpenPGP card devices via the rsop-oct implementation:
Nicht vergessen: Auch in allen Bussen, Zügen, Straßenbahnen, die über EU-Grenzen rollen, braucht es dann Polizeikontrolle!
... und die kontrollieren dann alle beim #Grenzübertritt (denn Diskriminierung nach Aussehen/Ethnie/"Weißheit" ... ist verboten)
auch jeden Morgen und Abend alle Grenz-Pendler*innen
die in anderem #EU-Land wohnen als sie arbeiten
Denn es ist ja niemandem das Geburtsland anzusehen, oder welches Land den #Pass ausgestellt hat ...
Has anbody a clue why #pass tells me "gpg: decryption failed: No secret key" but when I use plain gpg --decrypt bla.gpg it shows me its contents without problems? I had an expired gpg key and created a new one, but meanwhile already imported my old one. My feeling is that pass is using the wrong GPG key, but I have no clue where to configure it which one to use. Any help appreciated #encryption #gpg #linux #terminal
@ententropy @mysk
Let's be a #nerd and use #pass from https://www.passwordstore.org/ (the standard unix password manager) on a #selfhosted #git instance (or on #github #gitlab #codeberg …) - one and only connection is to the git repo!
#privacy #datenschutz #PasswordManager
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#AIComedy #AIGeneratedJokes #NewsLaughs #AIHumor #AILaughs
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
The #Irish and the #Long #Pass
#Laughs #AIGeneratedJokes #DailyLaughs #AIHumor #Jokes
[FULL CONCERT] Oscar #Peterson & Count Basie & Joe #Pass 1980 - #Words & #Music
The complete special BBC with interview!!!Oscar Peterson & Count Basie (piano)Joe Pass (guitar)Niels Pedersen (bass)Martin Drew (drums)1 part - Joe Pass2 par...
Caitrín has a #university -entrance level #pass for #matric! We're very happy indeed, and she's gone off with friends to celebrate a bit.
So ... that's it. I'm not the father of *children* any more.
Working on a improved idea regarding creation and editing password files in my beloved tool passr.
Already build in a number-of-edits-counter and laat-edit time.
Also still in doubt to migrate to toml format for the gpg file content. Any ideas?
Lost my passr password-store today.
For an inexplicable reason I found it totally wiped out.
Therefore today I am glad my daily backup strategy - using syncr - actually works!
Lost my passr password-store today.
For an inexplicable reason I found it totally wiped out.
Therefore today I am glad my daily backup strategy - using syncr - actually works!
#Moin, ihr Süßschnucken.
Ey, wenn ich #AlexanderVanDerBellen wäre, würde ich sofort mir meinen estnischen #Pass schnappen (denn er hat erblich bedingt Anrecht auf die estnische #Staatsbürgerschaft/besitzt sie schon) und mich stante pede aus #Österreich verpissen. Just sayin’.
Ob mich #Estland aufnimmt, wenn mich die CDU (!) unter #Merz ausgebürgert hat? Eins weiß dat nich’… #Ausbürgerung
Task is a task runner / build tool that aims to be simpler and easier to use than, for example, GNU #Make
Since it's written in Go, Task is just a single binary and has no other dependencies, which means you don't need to mess with any complicated install setups just to use a build tool.
My use case , #devops with #pass