Mega CD = Mega Mittwoch. Fulminante FMV Filmchen, fantastische CD Audio Tracks und sensationelles Sprite Scaling. Heute ist der Donnerstag mal bisschen früher - wir tauchen nach den wahren Mega CD Perlen #stream #twitch #retro #sega #megacd #segacd #retrotink4k
Aquest mes és el 30è aniversari de la publicació a casa nostra de "Corpse Killer" per "Sega CD" de #Sega . #CorpseKiller #SegaCd #Shooter #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames #VideojocsAntics
The Sega CD version of Monkey Island unsurprisingly still has the Loom advertisement. I wonder if there were ever any plans for a Sega CD version of Loom, because I could easily see some players being disappointed when they found out it didn't exist.
I guess changing it to a different game would have been too much work. Pity!
Slightly less dark Sega CD graphics mode, based on my reading of how the BlastEm Sega emulator handles things. I still haven't been able to run the game in an emulator myself though.
Que se note que es viernes noche!!
#retrogaming #retrogames #megadrive #segacd
Shock! Horror!
Won't SOMEONE think of the CHILDREN!
Yes, I'm looking at 3 16bit games that changed how videogames were viewed by society, even to this very day.
Aquest mes es compleixen 30 anys que arribava "Slam City with Scottie Pippen" per "Sega CD" de #Sega . #SlamCityWithScottiePippen #SegaCd #Esports #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames #VideojocsAntics
Had my friend @JessiBeanTheFlaptorQueen help me take the battery out of my #SegaCD. Didn't put a new one in just yet since I have a RAM cart for saves, but at least now I needn't worry about a leaking battery. Hoping it will continue to serve me well for years to come.
Avui és el trentè aniversari de la publicació a casa nostra de "Lethal Enforcers II: Gun Fighters" per "Sega CD" de #Sega . #LethalEnforcersIiGunFighters #SegaCd #Shooter #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames
Avui fa 30 anys que ens arribava "Snatcher" per "Sega CD" de #Sega . #Snatcher #SegaCd #PointAndClick #Shooter #Aventura #NovelLaVisual #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames #VideojocsAntics
Este mes fue el 30 aniversario de la salida de videojuegos en Sega CD (Mega Sega):
PitFall - The Mayan Adventure: @VJ_Efemerides
#retrocomputingmx #retrogaming #gaming #segacd #anniversary
Aquest mes es compleixen 30 anys que arribava "Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure" per "Sega CD" de #Sega . #PitfallTheMayanAdventure #SegaCd #Plataformes #Aventura #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames #VideojocsAntics
Anybody writing code for retro computers / consoles is a god amongst programmers:
ReadySoft Source: SEGA Force #5 (1994)
#RetroGaming #SEGA #SegaCD
Slipheed (SegaCD version, emulated) running on a GamePark GP2X ARM-based handheld console.
All of our games have had game consoles hidden in them.
Home: #PS2 / #GameCube (depending on the platform)
Alone With You: #SegaCD
Worse Than Death: #SegaSaturn
Did you find what we snuck in Neo Harbor Rescue Squad?
Someone ported Jaguar #Doom to the #32X and then they topped themselves by putting all the Doom 2 levels and music on a disc for the #SegaCD.
That's right, it's a SegaCD + 32X game! It uses the full #towerOfPower!