Was ein Spaß!!! Der Spinner #ElendMusch hat seine Leute auch zuhause nicht im Griff
Was ein Spaß!!! Der Spinner #ElendMusch hat seine Leute auch zuhause nicht im Griff
Elon Musk’s minions posted classified data on their website for anyone to see. Whoopsies!
Elon Musk’s DOGE Shares Classified U.S. Intel With Entire World
Records show how DOGE planned Trump’s DEI purge — and who gets fired next
The US MUST end its dependence on Elon Musk!
SpaceX's workhorse Falcon 9 booster launches 21 Starlink satellites from Florida
It is time for the application of
Strafgesetzbuch (StGB)
§ 86a Verwenden von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger und terroristischer Organisationen
And Shitter must be banned in Europe . NOW.
Republicans are the Party of Dunning-Kruger.
'Experts left database open': Hackers mock Elon Musk after easily defacing his DOGE site
Ei jmlt.
#Mainostajat palaavat Shitteriin, koska #presidentinvaalit ja tuloksensa.
State Department Removes Tesla’s Name From Planned $400M Contract Amid Musk Scrutiny
'We need to delete entire agencies': Musk seemingly expands DOGE plans
Amazing. In 1940, comic artists predicted Elon Musk’s arrival!
“Elon Musk’s X has agreed to pay about $10 million to settle a lawsuit that Donald Trump brought against the company and its former chief executive,” the Wall Street Journal reports.
Some affected employees were addressed as[EmployeeFirstName]
[EmployeeLastName], [Job Title],
Dozens of CFPB Workers Fired in After-Hours Blitz
Imagine Elon's surprise and delight! They'll be the only Teslas in America!
The Trump Administration Might Just Spend $400 Million on ‘Armored’ Teslas
Bad news for Elon Musk: Apartheid ain't coming back. Ever.
First DOGE committee hearing becomes referendum on Elon Musk
I don't believe anyone asked you for your opinion on the judiciary. Fuck off.
Musk calls for ‘wave of judicial impeachments’
Top Dem on DOGE subcommittee calls on Elon Musk to testify
Elon Musk: Austerity for Thee but Not for Me
Join me in supporting Common Cause in their effort to have Elon Musk fired via ActBlue!
“We are moving fast, so we will make mistakes, but we’ll also fix the mistakes very quickly.”
— Elon Musk, quoted by Axios, on his government efficiency efforts.