@rich 102h in #satisfactory is nothing. Don't worry, it will be more soon.
@rich and there you have it
@docwu you were right, ofc
@rich the one feature I do wish satisfactory had that would make it the absolute perfect game is a mode where you could turn on escalating base attacks and defending like in factorio. As is once you get the xeno-basher and know the enemy movements they're all a non-issue at that point and the game kinda just turns into creative mode with waiting. (the early game is the most fun part)
@raptor85 i prefer the rifle, but those irradiated spiders and level 3 hogs are buggers. I personally dont want any base attacks. My hub already looks like seven tornadoes hit it.
@rich but see that's the best part of factorio, instead of slowing down as you get into the late game since the more you build the more you get attacked the game picks up more and more, and generally at that point you have auto rebuild/blueprinting so damage is automatically fixed, you just have to constantly design and upgrade defenses for the increasing difficulty of the creatures. Sure it wouldn't be for everyone, but man, I love satisfactory but late game it's just kinda slow and boring :/
@raptor85 i wouldnt like someone else ruining my factories. I can do that myself