In all seriousness, for the 1000th time: who at MSFT do I need to convince that it is such an absurdly stupid idea to update & reboot my PC *without my consent* while it's sleeping?
"Why is it so hot in the office? Why is the PC turned on? WHY ARE MY INSTANCES OF VS CLOSED?!?"
@molecularmusing hate this so so much. I hibernate my PC then turn it off at the wall to stop it doing it!
@neilhenning @molecularmusing I just hibernate, that seems to be enough (my PC is connected to a UPS)
@sinbad @molecularmusing I’ve had my hibernating PC turn back on in the past so I lost trust!
@neilhenning @molecularmusing now I think about it I’ve had that too ages ago, I got rid of it somehow but can’t remember how (edit: I think wake on network settings somewhere)