This is the first Christmas holiday for quite a while, where I don't have the motivation for any hobby-coding project. (I have plenty to projects I "ought" to be working on, but just don't want to.)
@tattlemuss me too man. My brain inserts artificial guilt (why do I feel guilty?!) but I can’t summon the energy.
@neilhenning > why do I feel guilty?!
I think it's what we've been programmed (sic) to do since we were young.
Looking at all the amazing projects that people show on the socials doesn't help me either, it makes me feel like I'm falllng down on the "job"
@tattlemuss @neilhenning same here, but I need a break. Remind yourselfs, health is priority one, and the projects will still be there when you are recharged.
@MouseByTheSea @tattlemuss @neilhenning Yeah. Sadly the boundless energy and enthusiasm of our youth doesn’t last forever and sometimes you just need a break. Hobby projects are for when you’re in the mood, they’re not an obligation
@sinbad @tattlemuss @neilhenning I used to be a night owl, oh times have changed :)