Almost ready to wipe my Tumbleweed laptop and start fresh again. Currently leaning towards Bazzite for more stability, easier/supported app installs, and official Framework support. Wondering about app freshness on Bazzite though.
I do need to look more into atomic distros vs rolling (EndeavourOS is also on the table), and how much RedHat controls the Fedora project.
@Taffer from their official communication - Fedora isn't really "controlled" by RH. They provide developers and some server infrastructure, but the decision process is all up to Fedora Foundation. From what they say, RedHat has little to none influence on Fedora development (apart from things that would strictly impact RHEL, like legal/patent stuff).
I really encourage you to go for something stable with fresh apps - Mint was my go-to for years, and with Flatpak I don't mind LTS base
@leniwcowaty Mint’s great, but I didn’t love how slow updates were rolled out. Thanks for the Fedora perspective!