Tracker (TinySparql) will not disappear from GNOME.
Personally, I'm aware of one or two issues that affect the quality of search results, but that's pretty much my only gripe with it: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tinysparql/-/issues/425
From a performance standpoint, it works fine for me here (on Fedora) with my 450,000 files (200,000 of which are configured to be indexed) on a traditional SATA hard drive disk:
@nekohayo every single machine I run Ubuntu on (which is all my devices) I always run into issues with #nautilus locking u[/crashing because of tracker. It also constantly at the top of the processes list. (Using 100% or more)
As I am typing this message my system is in a state where I can no longer start nautilus until I do a full reboot. (See screenshot)
@nekohayo and I only have nvme and ssd drives in my system.
My main system, which I am having the issue on as we speak, is fairly decent as well I think:
I heard rumors that Ubuntu's integration isn't great, but don't know if that's the reason here. At least you're not running a LTS (with outdated unsupported versions…).
Have you checked the output of "tracker3-status" to see if it's choking on some particularly weird files?
If you're running the latest Tracker version, devs are quite collaborative for live troubleshooting over Matrix, and appreciative of well-written tickets. If you have a sample problematic file, it helps a lot.
I also know that they're ditching GStreamer in favor of going straight FFMPEG in the next version, to increase performance and reliability for indexing multimedia files: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/localsearch/-/merge_requests/579
@nekohayo that would not surprise me. Ubuntu does fiddle with a lot of things. I recently tried Fedora and it all felt very fast and snappy. I'm a bit locked into the debian/ubuntu ecosystem though. Will take a look at the output like you mentioned. Thnx for the tip
@delegatevoid I also have some secret performance tips here, see if those two weird tricks make a difference on your end: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/localsearch/-/issues/236