All I understood so far of the OpenAI drama is that Silicon Valley must be a religious cult run by lunatics. It's probably not a wise idea to let these people define the future.
@floooh In times like these I wonder if HBO's Silicon Valley is more of a documentary than comedy.
@niklaskorz @floooh they really had something there, honestly I feel like with as much material as there is to make fun of they're gonna reboot/continue the series in the next couple years lol
@floooh Man, you are a lot closer than you think. This is a hotbed of the LessWrong/TESCREAL crowd, and they are not many steps away from being a cult at this point.
@floooh It's actually sad that we spend so much attention to this.
(I don't mind YOUR post I mean we as a society
@floooh Sure, they let the Catholic Church do that for centuries in Europe.
@kelpana ...yeah, kicking those annoying protestant extremists out of Europe who then went on to create the United States probably wasn't such a great idea in hindsight, although keeping them in Europe wouldn't be either ;)
@floooh I think there are plenty still around in Europe. There's some rather loud ones here in Ireland.
@floooh @Seg While I’m not a fan of open AI, making sweeping generalizations of all of Silicon Valley is very short sited IMO. The phone you are using is probably made by or at least running an OS from a company in Silicon Valley. The computer you are using has its roots from Silicon Valley. Lots of innovation and amazing technology starts there. That said companies like FaceBook/Meta & Twitter are also in S.V. And one could argue that they have done more harm than good.
Fair enough :) I'm just trying to add some perspective. A lot of good that has enriched our lives over the decades has also come from Silicon Valley while also freely admitting that plenty of bad has come out as well. I didn't add in my previous post that this is commonplace. There are examples all over the world where good and bad happen.
Yes, I live/work in Silicon Valley and I guess I felt the need to defend it, but also freely admitting that it, like everything else in the world, has downsides and flaws.
Ironically, living here, it's an expensive "rat race" and I very much dislike that. But I'm also a technologist. I respect the past of technology, appreciate it's roots, while also being concerned but also hopeful of it's future. Maybe I'm just a walking contradiction. I just don't like sweeping generalizations like this and felt the need to say something, share perspective.
@kiteless @Seg I'm sure the culture of what made Silicon Valley great in the 60's to 80's was very different from today.
And of course I'm using "Silicon Valley" as a cliché / brand name which (for instance) also includes Microsoft even though they're not located there.
I wouldn't even complain if plain cold business men had replaced the engineers. It's those weird outcroppings like AI mysticism, crypto frauds, or plain old weirdos like Musk which dominate the outside image.
@floooh "german onion" reports "OpenAI boss fired and replaced by AI"
Yea, that couldn't have taken long for satire to show up :)