With many new people learning about FOSS yesterday, we couldn't have timed our Development Fund refresh any better
If you have as little as 5€ per month to spare, please consider becoming part of the base this project rests upon: community support.
Another way to support the Godot Engine is contributing to the source code!
To learn more about that, we have prepared this handy documentation page for you: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/contributing/ways_to_contribute.html
This fund is THE reason I get to do a job that I love.
Working for a lovely and incredibly active community, as well as help push forward FOSS as a viable alternative in the games industry
@godotengine wait, what happened yesterday? just curious. i'm already super on board with what ya'll are doing and am slowly learning my way into game dev through Godot
@kite Brackeys posted a new video after 3 years, talking about open source in gaming and teasing upcoming tutorials about Godot. Brackeys used to do Unity tutorials.
@godotengine I love the Godot engine, its super fun to use and super easy to add game-specific editor features, but I've been wondering about the lisencing. Why is Godot licensed under the MIT lisence and not GPL? What was the reason for why MIT was chosen?
@smorty @godotengine Strong copyleft license probably wouldn't work very well for people who want to commercialize their games.
I'm not one of them but I know for a fact that they are the majority coming from other engines.
@godotengine Wow, this is the second time this type of incredible timing has happened. The first fund announcement was perfectly timed with the Unity debacle. I wonder what event will trigger the asset store launch
@godotengine would love to read a detailed report about the fundation spendings, right now is a bit of a black box and we need more transparency
@teggy a financial report is in the works!
It really is mostly salaries for the people we employ to work part-/full-time at the moment