Don't be deceived, those clown pack a punch and do seltzer water ranged attacks. I had AI turned off for the screen shot.
@grumpygamer one thing I learned from Stephen King's It: *never* trust a clown
@grumpygamer great, my coulrophobia is now back and in full effect. That's 15 years of therapy out the window!
@ClutchAbuse I would think spending several hour kicking clown-butt would be cathartic.
@grumpygamer only if I can steal their clown shoes and beat them to death with them.
@grumpygamer They are menacing even when t-posing. It is like "It" had a child with a weeping angel.
@grumpygamer Clowns should never be in a forest in the first place...
@grumpygamer is that why it's so pixelated? #ai
@grumpygamer In retrospect, the warnings were there all along.