Our website has a new links section: started a cute button wall :D
I encourage everyone to start one and I'd love to add your button to our collection. Let me know if you have one!
Our button wall is growing, give me a shout if you'd like me to add you!
@ElectronDance I made a button link for your site, feel free to use it! (link in previous post)
@juulcat I love 88x31 banners. Yours has been added to my pixel wall.
@lordmatt added you to our wall! thank you!
@juulcat Awesome, thank you
@lianna added, thank you!
@juulcat Haaai! I have a nice animated button! :D
@0x0961h I love it! I've been using images rather than gifs as my brain can't cope with the movement, is it okay with you if I do that?
@juulcat Oh, sure! I added static option for your convenience! :)
@0x0961h That's great thanks you! It's in our wall now. Thanks for adding us too :)
@juulcat Thank you! And you are very welcome! :D
Button walls are so retro
@juulcat oh hey you should add mi-oh nevermind you already did
@touloutoumou thanks for adding us ^^
@juulcat wow thank you for the inclusion! I just added yours :D
@britown thank you! :)
I am in my 40s now and this button wall gives me back so much late 90s vibes of when we used to learn html to set up our own homepages ("HOMEPAGES"), 2mbyte in total size and participated in link shareing site just to gain site visitors @juulcat
@jules same here