I can't believe my eyes: finally, after 2 years, enkisoftware, our website/blog/store is back in the bing -and therefore duckduckgo- search results! https://www.enkisoftware.com
Our website was deindexed with no explanation in 2022, completely disappearing from bing. I reached out to support several times and tried improving the website to no avail. I have no idea what triggered the reindexing
very happy I don't have to waste my time on this issue anymore
Could the reindexing of our site be thanks to the buttons wall? I'll choose to believe it, and therefore, a big thank you to all the folks who kindly added an enkisoftware button to their websites! https://www.enkisoftware.com/about#links
@juulcat oh neat!! I just got my own 88x31 finally ;;
@TheZeldaZone that's great! I added you to our wall