L'année dernière, en fin d'année, j'avais refait #anotherCode sur DS, pas longtemps avant que la version switch soit annoncée d'ailleurs.
ça va devenir une habitude de fin d'année, que je ressorte ma #DS pour refaire un vieux jeu dessus
With "Emio - The Smiling Man" just around the corner and the "Ace Attorney Investigations Collection" coming out next week, today is a great day to reflect on the history of Japanese adventure games! If you're curious about Nintendo and Capcom's history with the genre, please give my article a read!
Nouveau planning de #stream #twitch !
Au programme, du #Splatoon3, nouveau let's play sur #EiyudenChronicles, la possible fin du let's play d' #AnotherCodeRecollection, et la suite de #SeaofStars et #DragonsDogma2 !
A très vite en live !
On part en stream !
On continue Another Code Recollection, on termine le premier des deux jeux, et on attaque le second, rien que ça !
Je vous retrouve en live sur Twitch pour la fin de cette première aventure et la découverte de la seconde !
Le #planning de #stream de la semaine, on prend quasi les même, et on recommence !
#AnotherCodeRecollection, #DragonsDogma2, #Splatoon3, #RuneFactory3 et #DragonQuestMonsters !
Au programme, 1,5 jeux à finir en #live, rien que ça !
J'espère vous retrouver sur #Twitch !
With Ryan finally laid to rest, it's time to bid Another Code: Recollection adieu. Maybe one day a sequel will happen. Until then, back to AQUARIUM... #NintendoSwitch #ArcSystemWorks #AnotherCode #AnotherCodeRecollection #puzzle #remake #gaming #WednesdayGaming #TBGN
Well, we now know what's going on with Ryan in Another Code: Recollection. But that hasn't stopped all of this being incredibly weird. Hopefully the finale will wrap everything up... #NintendoSwitch #ArcSystemWorks #AnotherCode #AnotherCodeRecollection #puzzle #remake #gaming #MondayGaming #TBGN
Nouveau planning de #stream, on passe à de plus petites semaines, mais toujours aussi riches !
#dragonsdogma2, #anothercoderecollection, Gimp & Chill chez la NetraTV, et surtout le retour du let's play de #RuneFactory3Special !
I hope some of you have picked up on what's going on with Ryan in Another Code: Recollection, because the Bros still have no idea. Maybe the game is just that confusing, or the Bros are just that clueless... #NintendoSwitch #ArcSystemWorks #AnotherCode #AnotherCodeRecollection #puzzle #remake #gaming #SaturdayGaming #TBGN
Et un nouveau let's play, un !
Nouvelle aventure sur Another Code Recollection, un petit jeu d'énigmes qu'on m'avait vendu, le début est bien sympa, même si le jeu et moi n'avons pas toujours la même logique !
N'hésitez pas à aller voir la rediff' youtube !
Time to go on a "fun" adventure with Gina in Another Code: Recollection, as we try to find Ashley's dad. Also, what is Sophia doing? She stole your phone and wallet, and didn't even pocket them? That's just free money at this point... #NintendoSwitch #ArcSystemWorks #AnotherCode #AnotherCodeRecollection #puzzle #remake #gaming #ThursdayGaming #TBGN
Nouveau stream, nouvelle aventure !
On part pour un nouveau let's play sur Another Code Recollection, j'en ai entendu beaucoup de bien, il est temps de découvrir ça !
Venez donc en live sur Twitch, qu'on voit ça tous ensemble !
Younger Bro seems to think that not even Another Code: Recollection will stop remining us of Pokémon, but I promise that's only him. Nothing about this research lab feels like Pokémon... #NintendoSwitch #ArcSystemWorks #AnotherCode #AnotherCodeRecollection #puzzle #remake #gaming #TuesdayGaming #TBGN
Le planning de #stream #twitch de la semaine !
2 nouveaux let's play avec #AnotherCodeRecollection et #DragonsDogma2 !
La potentielle fin de #PrincessPeachShowtime La suite de #BatenKaitos et #DragonQuestMonsters
Et du Gimp & Chill chez la NetraTV !
Grosse semaine de #live !
The Bros have played so many games at this point, they just start to guess that every game will have the stupidest, or weirdest, plot point. And, like a broken clock, the Bros are right every so often, as in today's Another Code: Recollection... #NintendoSwitch #ArcSystemWorks #AnotherCode #AnotherCodeRecollection #puzzle #remake #gaming #SundayGaming #TBGN
I challenge anyone to do today's puzzle in Another Code: Recollection without looking up a guide. This thing requires so much out of you, it's basically 4 puzzles in 1. Too much complexity... #NintendoSwitch #ArcSystemWorks #AnotherCode #AnotherCodeRecollection #puzzle #remake #gaming #FridayGaming #TBGN
Maybe one day, Charlotte from Another Code: Recollection will talk to her daughter Olivia again. Hopefully they're both able to move past things, and be a family once again... #NintendoSwitch #ArcSystemWorks #AnotherCode #AnotherCodeRecollection #puzzle #remake #gaming #WednesdayGaming #TBGN
I hope you're ready for the puzzles in Another Code: Recollection to get really hard. Luckily, this one is just hard to know what they're asking for. But once you know, it's easy... #NintendoSwitch #ArcSystemWorks #AnotherCode #AnotherCodeRecollection #puzzle #remake #gaming #MondayGaming #TBGN