My last 2 #Civ7 sessions on the #PS5 have ended because the game crashed. Helpful, because it’s enough disruption that I snap out of “…one more turn…”
The UI is hella clumsy. Figuring out how to move resources between settlements is a pain. Information is literally missing in the game. You can’t figure out what some actions do. I’ll get notifications that say “△ Espionage Update”. And I press △ and it just goes away. Then I have to dig into the R1 menu to actually figure out what happened.
I’m suspicious about how well I’m doing. There are 6 leaders and I’m allied with 2 of them. I think that’s why nobody is killing me yet. But I’m scared because I am doing the cultural victory path and I have no armies. If I lose these alliances I am doomed.
There used to be a mechanic where you could ask an ally to join you in war against someone else. I can’t find that mechanic. I’ve been hoping to incite an ally to fight someone I don’t like, while I quietly sit back and let it happen.