It's interesting how time and mental distance affect the #gaming experience. I abandoned #HyperlightDrifter a year ago out of frustration, but today I'm comfortably strolling through the first few hours. Vibe and mood are great.
It's interesting how time and mental distance affect the #gaming experience. I abandoned #HyperlightDrifter a year ago out of frustration, but today I'm comfortably strolling through the first few hours. Vibe and mood are great.
Cool, you can buy a $65 SNES game that doesn't play in a SNES. It comes with a download code to play it on your PC or whatever and you can plug the cartridge into your SNES and have the nostalgic feeling of owning a non-working SNES cart.
Just kidding, you actually can't buy this because it is SOLD OUT. LMAO.
Co-op open-world roguelite Hyper Light Breaker just launched into early access
#HyperLightBreaker #HyperLightDrifter
Heute werde ich mir endlich mal Zeit nehmen #Firelights, ein Solo Rollenspiel, von @rpdeshaies auszuprobieren.
Als spezielles Insekt müssen Leuchtfeuer entzünden werden, um den Verstorbenen den Weg zu weisen. Die Feuer wurden von Fluchwesen gelöscht, die überwältigt werden müssen, und so gibt mir das Ganze #HollowKnight und #HyperlightDrifter Vibes .
Dear diary, once again I find myself replaying #HyperLightDrifter
The gameplay is so satisfying and the art style still rocks
I tried playing Hyper Light Drifter; It's a mean-spirited game in terms of enemy placement, however, I am starting to get better at the game. The Northern Area is the easier section, based on what I read. I started in the Eastern part of the map, I have a better gun, and this will make the Northern area much easier! Getting some easy currency for upgrades will be quite nice.
I finished this one today :)
They are two NPCs from a videogame that my partner and I like a lot: Hyperlight Drifter.
They helped me with preparing the design on the computer. We changed the original colors of the characters a bit, because we wanted something a bit more colorful, and we added a platform with letters from the game alphabet, which may or may not stand for ACAB
#CrossStitch #Embroidery #HyperlightDrifter
„Hyper Light Drifter” ujmuje mnie audiowizualnie, ale sterowanie jest koszmarne. Niby wiedziałem o tym podczas zakupu, ale i tak jest to miejscami frustrujące. Wiele razy ginę z powodu sterowania.
Inna sprawa, że całymi latami myślałem, że tytułowy Drifter ma na głowie taką ruską uszankę i szal po sam nos, ale niedawno widziałem niepikselowy art i okazuje się, że to bardziej jak hełm Shreddera z żółwi ninja.
Nie umiem powiedzieć, która wersja bardziej mi się podoba.
„Hyper Light Drifter” nieźle się zaczyna. Co ciekawe, pomimo iż to ma być homage dla 8- i 16-bitowców spod szyldu SNES-a, gra bardziej sprawia wrażenie relatywnie współczesnej, tylko wykonanej z użyciem starego stylu graficznego. Me gusta.
We were eager to finally go hands-on with its not-quite-a-Drifter-sequel, Breaker, and finally have an excuse to exist in that world again. #HyperLightDrifter
IGN GOT A PREVIEW OF HYPER LIGHT BREAKER???? oh shit please tell me this means the game is real close
I don’t know why, but the chill, somber music from #HyperLightDrifter still often rings in my brain. It’s such a good game
Ce soir à 20h, suite et fin de #HyperLightDrifter pour @Shift sur notre chaîne #Twitch ! (Enfin si tout se passe bien...)
C'est un nouveau Lundi Douleur qui attend @Shift ce soir à 20h ! Mais avec un nouveau jeu puisqu'il va commencer #Hyperlightdrifter :
My fave indie game studio, Heart Machine, gave me their stamp of approval to sell this Hyper Light Drifter fan-art as a print:
I absolutely love and cherish the game and can't recommend it enough!
Lil Piece I did for my 21st birthday, featuring 21 of my favorite music Albums!
Easily the best game I saw at #gdex last weekend. Fans of games like #HyperLightDrifter, #Bloodborne, or #zelda should for sure check this out. #itch #western #IndieGem
Okay, so is Alex Preston wearing nail polish in #HyperLightDrifter colors or it the game colored like his nails? I HAVE to know!