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In the course of the "Day of Honor" Nazifest in Budapest in February 2023, the Hungarian government either arrested or subsequently issued international arrest warrants for a number of people who it says engaged in violence against the event's participants. Several of those people are currently either in custody of Órban's authoritarian state or pending extradition there.

There hasn't been a whole lot of detailed coverage of this stuff in English, so I recently interviewed a member of the Budapest Antifascist Solidarity Committee (BASC) in the hope of getting the word out a bit more widely and clarifying just what happened in Budapest and what has been going on since those events. The good people of @antidotezine were then kind enough to publish that interview today, on the one-year anniversary of Maja's arrest. If you've seen some of the hashtags below and didn't really have the context, this may well clear up a lot of questions. · International Antifascist Solidarity: The Budapest-Komplex | Antidote ZineIn June 2024, a German antifascist was extradited from Germany to Hungary in a hasty operation intended to deny them all legal recourse. On the anniversary ...

Accusée de "tentative d'agression" & d' "appartenance à un groupe d'extrême-gauche", une députée européenne a déjà passé 11 mois dans les geôles de Orban. Celui-ci veut maintenant faire lever son immunité parlementaire pour la renvoyer en prison.

Quand un fasciste préside le Conseil de l'#UE, où va l'UE ?

Où est l'#antifascisme censé être dans les gènes de l'UE ?

Comment un pays qui a enfermé une citoyenne italienne dans des geôles infestées de rats & l'a fait comparaitre enchainée au tribunal peut-il présider l'UE ?

Et tout ça parce qu'elle a protesté contre les dérives fascistes de la #Hongrie.

The Guardian · ‘Orbán has already condemned me’: Italian MEP on Hungary’s effort to jail her againBy Lorenzo Tondo
Continued thread

“‘As I have already said several times, I hope that Parliament will choose to defend the rule of law and human rights without giving in to the arrogance of an “illiberal democracy” in an autocratic drift which, also through the mouths of its own leaders, has already declared guilty me on several occasions before sentencing,’ Salis continued in the note, stressing that “the minimum conditions for a fair trial to take place in Hungary do not exist.’”

Eunews · Hungary requests revoking parliamentary immunity for Ilaria SalisRoberta Metsola's announcement in the Strasbourg hemicycle. Now the Hungarian judges' request will be referred to the Legal Affairs Committee, which will adopt a recommendation ahead of a simple majority vote in the Eurochamber. Salis: "Not only my personal future is at stake, but what we want Europe to be"

“Hungary requests revoking parliamentary immunity for [European MEP] Ilaria Salis … who spent 15 months in preventive imprisonment in Budapest on charges of assault against … neo-Nazi militants”

(Yes, you read all of that right.)

Here’s an idea: how about we lift Hungary’s EU membership instead and tell Orban in no uncertain terms that he can go fuck himself?

Eunews · Hungary requests revoking parliamentary immunity for Ilaria SalisRoberta Metsola's announcement in the Strasbourg hemicycle. Now the Hungarian judges' request will be referred to the Legal Affairs Committee, which will adopt a recommendation ahead of a simple majority vote in the Eurochamber. Salis: "Not only my personal future is at stake, but what we want Europe to be"
Continued thread

Ungarn fordert Aufhebung der Immunität von #IlariaSalis #BudapestKomplex

„Salis ist nach den EU-Wahlen im Juni ins Europäische Parlament gewählt worden, nachdem sie über ein Jahr in einem ungarischen Gefängnis verbracht hatte. In Ungarn wird ihr vorgeworfen, einen Neonazi während einer rechtspopulistischen Veranstaltung in #Budapest im Jahr 2023 angegriffen zu haben. Mit der Wahl ins EU-Parlament genießt die italienische Aktivistin Immunität und wurde aus diesem Grund aus ihrer Haft in Ungarn entlassen.

Ihr Fall erregte internationale Aufmerksamkeit, als Fotos auftauchten, die sie erniedrigt in Handschellen und Fußfesseln beim Betreten des Gerichtssaals zeigten.

Im Januar hatte Salis einen Brief an das italienische Konsulat geschickt, in dem sie die Herausforderungen schilderte, mit denen sie im Budapester Gefängnis konfrontiert war. Unter anderem nannte sie unhygienische Bedingungen….“

Rede von ilara im Europäischen Parlament:

EURACTIV · Ungarn fordert Aufhebung der EU-Immunität von italienischer AktivistinBy Nicoletta Ionta

ZEROCALCARE - Questa Notte non sarà Breve.

Riuniti in un unico volume tutti i fumetti che #Zerocalcare ha dedicato alla vicenda di #IlariaSalis, la militante antifascista che è stata detenuta in #Ungheria da più di un anno, e agli altri 19 antifascisti sotto processo. Il libro contiene quattro pagine inedite.

Questo fumetto servirà a finanziare, con parte del prezzo di copertina una cassa di solidarietà in supporto ai compagni e alle compagne coinvolti nei processi.

#IlariaSalis comincia a mostrare di che pasta è fatta, parlando, con cognizione di causa, del problema delle #caseoccupate

Devo dire mi piace molto la sua prosa, il modo in cui ragiona

E soprattutto: non ha paura di certi poteri forti

Penso che per #AVS è come avere vinto un terno a lotto, finalmente una che non la manda a dire e che può veramente far tornare al voto molta gente che non lo faceva più

Milano Fanpage · Ilaria Salis: “Vivere in una casa occupata non è da furbetti. Azioni illegali ma legittime”By Francesca Del Boca