@korunick is streaming some more Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen!
Will this be the conclusion of the game, or will there be one more round afterwards?
@korunick is streaming some more Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen!
Will this be the conclusion of the game, or will there be one more round afterwards?
This Week, EMAIL: Why not name Good-Feel, are Nintendo Directs dying, are Sony/AAA games dying?
Listener Mail: A Little to the Left, addiction, Ogre Battle, Splatoon 3 Side Order, New Super Luigi U
It's Episode 867: Microsoft's Big-Dick Blender
#VideoGames #Podcast #Nintendo #RetroGaming #RFN #NintendoSwitch #NinrendoDirect #RadioFreeNintendo #OgreBattle #Splatoon3 #SuperMarioBros
Unicorn Overlord — Whose Overlord Is It, Anyway?
After playing through this amazing real-time tactics RPG, the only question I hadn't answered was... were we the baddies all the time?
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis FINISHED!
It's a tale of love, loss, betrayal, alliances, war, peace, redemption, and a young knight's journey to discover his place in the world.
Christmas Loot: Knight of Lodis and Prince of Zenobia
For Christmas, I got two more entries in the Tactics Ogre/Ogre Battle series... one I have played before, and the other is going to need some work to be able to play... and understand.
Kotaku: Hope For A Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster Springs Eternal https://kotaku.com/final-fantasy-tactics-remaster-remake-yasumi-matsuno-1851071786 #gaming #tech #kotaku #ogrebattlethemarchoftheblackqueen #videogameswithisometricgraphics #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #finalfantasytactics #questcorporation #dungeonsdragons #hitoshisakimoto #yasumimatsuno #masaharuiwata #finalfantasy #tacticsogre #squareenix #ogrebattle #jobclasses #characters #matsuno
Knight of Lodis: Entering the Crypt
It was supposed to just be a battle. It turned into a gauntlet.
SpriteCell’s JRPG Magazine Review Archive
This is quite a collection to look through! While it was originally posted in 2021, it was updated with some new reviews just this pas
#magazines #retro #cadash #dragonwarrior #earthbound #egm #faxanadu #gamepro #grandia #jrpg #littlekingsstory #magazines #nintendopower #ogrebattle #phantasystarII #retro #reviews #segavisions #shiningforce #spritecell #suikodenII #vay #vgce #zeldaII
"Ogre" in modern RPG's means "big dumb barbarian monster", but the original European ogre was the wealthiest devouring everyone else.
Bravely Default has that OG Gustave Dore Puss in Boots ogre, maybe this is the naming inspiration for Ogre Battle?
#TacticsOgre, #OgreBattle #BravelyDefault