On my blog: Free Culture Book Club — electric (yang) https://john.colagioia.net/blog/2025/03/15/electric-yang.html
This week sees an album of electric music, from a two-part set continued from last week.
#freeculture #bookclub
On my blog: Free Culture Book Club — electric (yang) https://john.colagioia.net/blog/2025/03/15/electric-yang.html
This week sees an album of electric music, from a two-part set continued from last week.
#freeculture #bookclub
The underground is dead, long live the Underground. Support Basspistol. The Lords work at the federation.
#music #ccmusic #syndication #cooperation #freeCulture
Is #Invidious finally dead and buried for good? So, #RIP and let's move all our #video content to #Peertube? Other ideas?
I need a support group for people as pissed off as I am at corporations like Apple for keeping as many people as they do from making the most of modern computing while extracting as much as possible from those people.
5 new pages of 'Everybody Loves Smiley' are up now on the #Fodongo website!
You can also now download Issue 13 of the zine for free from the @geesegoose store (though every purchase supports the artists participating in it, the coop and the Fodongo project, so please consider it!)
Thanks for reading and supporting independent artists and Free-Culture.
On my blog: Free Culture Book Club — acoustic (yin) https://john.colagioia.net/blog/2025/03/08/acoustic-yin.html
This week sees an album of acoustic music, from a two-part set continuing next week.
#freeculture #bookclub
@dalandanstudios nice question. I was resorting on Duolingo's streak feature, but I recently deleted it from my phone: I want to be my own boss. So I'm trying to find that motivation to #learngerman. My main motivation was to read some german philosophers in their original language, but it's not that appealing anymore. It's slowly shifting towards interacting with german speaking people in the #freesoftware and #freeculture movements.
I just learned about @OpenAlex¹ as an alternative to Google Scholar, WoS, Semantic Scholar, etc.
I had been looking for a privacy-respecting and Free Culture alternative to for-profit providers.
New week, new month, NEW COMIC! 'Family', by Iván G. Azuara is now available for everyone to read:
Please check out more of his work at https://unpocodetinta.com, and remember you can support him and other authors in this isue at the @geesegoose store!
Thanks for reading and supporting independent artists and Free-Culture.
Today I released a new local community and #meetup project about #FreeSoftware, #FreeCulture, #DigitalRights, etc. I didn't slept yesterday night because I was tweaking details here and there, fixing texts, preparing some posts,... Now I'm exhausted but satisfied
If you want to take a look here you have the link to the official site (made by me) https://librecan.com the site is Spanish only because is for #CanaryIslands This project is part of the #FSF #FSF40 celebration.