Help us finish our Jigsaw of the Week! A comfy seat by the window and some perplexing pieces to puzzle !
A Daniel Craig/Rian Johnson cameo in the next Kenneth Branagh Poirot movie or a Kenneth Branagh cameo in the next Rian Johnson Knives Out movie. I’ll take either
#KnivesOut #HerculePoirot #BenoitBlanc #Film
Huomasin, että Areenalle on eilen julkaistu muutama #AgathaChristie n kirjoihin perustuva #minisarja.
Yksi niitä Poirot-tarina. Ja niin, Poirottina ei ole #DavidSuchet, vaan #JohnMalkovich.
Vaikka #Malkovich onkin mahtava, vaatii tämä kyllä pohdintaa, että pystyykö katsoa vai eikö pysty.
#Suchet in #HerculePoirot on kuitenkin klassikko ja legenda. Se on kuva Poirotista. Hän on #Poirot.
#Christie #brittimurhat #brittimurhasarja #sarja #sarjat #draama
Seriously, #Poirot series makers?
If this seal (and the string it's attached to) have been there for 3,000 years, then surely a knife, a vigorous tug, or even a stern glare, would have parted the unremarkable string.
It even looks like the string might be loose enough to be manipulated off the doorknobs.
But, no, you have these eminent archaeologists decide to smash the unique seal in order to open the door? Not taking a cast, or a rubbing of the seal first?
"Drinking with Agatha Christie."
In Christie's novels, a character's choice of beverage always deepens the mystery.
#Culture #Literature #AgathaChristie #Detective #Fiction #HerculePoirot #Drinks
Tonite's special: Agatha Christie's Poirot (1989), Series One, Ep. 2 "Murder in the Mews"
Belgian Xmas bon bons start on #TVMysteries in 30 minutes tonight! #HerculePoirot s6e1 or Britbox is you have it.
Drop by if you're free for some muuurder in Shropshire country estate ALL WELCOME
@JanineFromPgh @dbfulton @blixyscrumpfer @LK_877 @howler0502 @marcibadwolf303 @WorkWithKirk @analgesicsleep @adnerbia @lilymarswrites @frommsb @OSUSprinks @secretlybatman @Kinetograph @joewynne @rljenk
#TVMysteries has a Belgian bon bon for you this holiday.
Tomorrow's is
Hope you are all celebrating in the style of your choice
xoxo Hermit Squirrel
@dbfulton @LK_877
@MatthewTitus88 @secretlybatman @rljenk @IcedTea17 @lilymarswrites @adnerbia @Kinetograph @howler0502 @WorkWithKirk @JanineFromPgh @analgesicsleep @bunnyhero @joewynne @LilyDoe @kcarr2015
All are welcome! #AgathaChristie #HerculePoirot #DavidSuchet #WatchParty Tue 12/26/23, 8p ET
Hope everyone is having a lovely & peaceful holiday weekend
Join #TVMysteries tomorrow for our little annual box of Belgian bon bons with HERCULE POIROT'S CHRISTMAS (s6e1) #DavidSuchet
Tuesday, 12/26/23 - 8pm ET or on Britbox for those who have it.
Everyone is welcome for some muuuuurdery murder in the Shropshire countryside (in HD!) on #BoxingDay
#AgathaChristie #HerculePoirot annual #Christmas #WatchParty
Reading the Hercule Poirot books off and on for the first time, and while I am enjoying them, I must say I absolutely despise book-Hastings. I am thankful for Hugh Fraser’s interpretation in the show. @bookstodon #HerculePoirot #agathachristie
When people say it's been done before...
Just ask Poirot!
#herculepoirot #literaryquotes #amwriting
I didn't even know that these birds (Inca Tern) exist, but I love them at first sight! Very distinguished gentleman, indeed.
#Crowvember no.10 - Rook-cule Poir-crow (this was a request from a friend so I refuse to be held responsible for the pun)
Katsoin #AgathaChristie -dokkaria.
Heti, kun alettiin puhua Poirotista, olin, et AH! Uusisipa Yle Poirotit - olis ihana nähdä niitä!
Viimeksi (ehkä sen seitsemännen kerran?), kun Yle uusi Poirotit, päätin, etten katso niitä, koska olen nähnyt ne niin monesti.
Mutta katsoin silti. Ja rakastin joka hetkeä.
Aivan kuten joka kerta aiemminkin, kun olen ne katsonut.
Ein brutaler Mord und ein Zug voller Verdächtiger.
Der berühmteste Fall von #HerculePoirot in einem Krimiabenteuer für #NintendoSwitch
Das große "Angespielt XL" gibt's hier: