Microsoft Phasing Out Its Remote Desktop App Starting 27 May #app #microsoft #remotedesktop #remotedesktopconnection #software #windowsapp

Microsoft Phasing Out Its Remote Desktop App Starting 27 May #app #microsoft #remotedesktop #remotedesktopconnection #software #windowsapp
Microsoft Phases Out Remote Desktop App: What Developers Need to Know
In a significant shift, Microsoft has announced the retirement of the Remote Desktop app in favor of its new Windows App. This transition raises critical questions for developers and IT professionals ...
Support-Ende: Windows-App ersetzt ab Ende Mai Remote Desktop #microsoft #windows #remotedesktop
Microsoft to End Support for Remote Desktop App in 2025
#Microsoft #RemoteDesktop #WindowsApp #TechNews #CloudComputing #Windows365 #AzureVirtualDesktop #MicrosoftUpdates #RemoteWork #TechUpdate
Microsoft beendet am 27. Mai 2025 den Support seiner Remote Desktop-App für Windows. Wenn du ab dem 27. Mai eine Verbindung zu Windows 365-, Azure Virtual Desktop- oder Microsoft Dev Box herstellen willst, musst du auf die neue "Windows-App", die im MS-Store erhältlich ist, umsteigen.
Mein Tipp: Beende deinen "Support" von Microsoft und Windows, steige auf eine Linux-Distribution um und nutze Open-Source Software.
Microsoft stellt die Remote Desktop-App für Windows ein. Ab 27. Mai 2025 wird sie aus dem Store entfernt. Die neue Windows-App soll die Funktionen übernehmen. #Microsoft #RemoteDesktop,149461.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
#windows holy shit did they lock down #remotedesktop to be beyond unusable or? I even upgraded my Win 11 Home PC to Pro but now it's bitching I have a "console session" open (I do not), seemingly I have to be logged out of a device before connecting?
Is the no way to even boot the logged in user out at least?
Gesucht: simples, einfach zu bedienendes Remote-Desktop-Programm (z.B. wie #HopToDesk, TeamViewer), das mit #Wayland funktioniert. Bedarf: IT-Support für meine Eltern (#Linux-User 80+) im Bedarfsfall.
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We just released a new version of Royal TS for Windows
Check out what's new:
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v0.9.15 of the cross-platform VNC client/server library LibVNCServer finally got released today after cooking for just about over 2 years.
The full release description can be found at
OK I tried. More than most normies would. But I failed.
Can anyone help me get a #VNC server running on my #Linux PC? I'm using #Fedora41 and need to be able to control it from a Windows 11 laptop.
Is there anything that installs via the Software app, and has a GUI? I really struggle with the terminal beyond super basic stuff...
I notice that #Gnome has #RDP settings built in. Should I use that instead?
@anniemo71 @gemlog @Maya @mnw @stebby @sennomo @antonio @claudiom @maperal @screwtape I'm hoping to do a #copaceticmusichour #livestream on #youtube and or #peertube in the near future. For now I'll have to stream the #remotedesktop through #nxnomachine. Let me know how this looks. It seems OK but with occasional audio choppiness. Perhaps it will be better when I sit at the laptop while streaming.
RustDesk 1.3.3 open-source remote desktop adds mobile clipboard, Mac arm sound, "untagged" address filtering, and GPU improvements.
Is there some tool similar to Teamviewer and Anydesk (meaning it works with zero configuration) that supports Wayland sessions?
Asking for a device meant for my father. I want him to have a reliable way to ask me for help. Teamviewer sucks, and Anydesk doesn't support Wayland yet.
#Teamviewer #Anydesk #RemoteDesktop #Linux
[Remote Desktop -> Windows App. whaaa!?]
I agree the change is both startling and fraught, but wait. There's this. A huge number of users are using non-Windows machines to access Windows hosted virtually for work, even in the office. People no longer get a machine with corporate assets, just remote access. Think Mac, Linux, tablets with keyboards, even phones. User? Non-IT. Rarely if ever technical. IT knows, we don't want users f-ing with their machines. Asked, users will say, "I'm logging on to work," or simply... Wait for it... "Windows." Aaaarrrgghh!
It makes sick sense, but it'll either work for marketing or they change it, and there ain't anything we can do about it.
Deep breaths! Deep breaths.
#Windows #Programmer #Retired
#Author #Novelist #WritingCommunity #WritersOfMastodon #RemoteDesktop
#anydesk is popping up beg screens. #enshitification. Dead to me.
What are some good alternatives for personal use?
Just read about this pretty awesome project, View IIc, a wireless Remote Desktop solution for the Apple //c. The hardware uses an ESP32 and plugs into the //c's RGB port, sending the 14MHz video bitstream to a Windows PC.
This is a work-in-progress by Mike Neil (who calls its current status alpha), and I'm excited to see how this evolves.
The link is to his Facebook post, but is readable without being logged in.
Very cool!!
TigerVNC 1.14.1 fixes critical bugs, including VncAuth handling and improved viewer compatibility with RealVNC servers.