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"Timoshkina felt it important to “de-colonise” the language and culture that had for so many years, blanketed everything as #Russian when foods in question may come from #Ukraine or other #Slavic countries.

“I simply cannot bring myself to celebrate the #culinary culture of the country (despite having been born there) that has launched an atrocious war in the heart of Eastern #Europe, in Ukraine.”

Having done her research, the provenance of her #recipes are carefully clarified to credit the countries and ethnic groups from which they originate. These include not only the #Ashkenazi #Jews of her heritage but also indigenous populations including the Volga #Tartars and the #Udmurts."

Kapusta web collage.jpg
The Jewish Chronicle · Meet the recipe writer de-colonising Russian food – and hopelessly obsessed with tzimmesBy Victoria Prever

Не помню писал я об этом или нет, но The Chalkeaters неплохо экспортируют наши Духовные Скрепы на Запад в своих клипах.

Например, в клипе по Сонику западный зритель знакомится со старым добрым домашним насилием когда жена пиздит Соника скалкой.

Ok, due to huge success and additional info found, I extended table to cover more Slavic month names. It is also perfect example why our languages are not very mutually intelligible: same words often have shifted meaning.

EN = UA [romanized] = CZ = HR = PL

January=січень[siczen|sičeň]👈= leden=siječanj👈= styczeń👈
March=березень[berezeň]👈=březen👈=ožujak=marzec 🏛️
April=квітень[kviteň]👈=duben=travanj🤔 = kwiecień👈
May=травень[traveň]🤔=květen🤔(máj 🏛️)=svibanj=maj 🏛️
August=серпень[serpeň]👈= srpen👈=kolovoz=sierpień👈
November=листопад[listopad]👈=listopad👈 =studeni=listopad👈
month=місяць[misiyac|misjac]👈= měsíc👈=mjesec👈=miesiąc👈

-lipaň/lipiec ~ červen/červenec? 🤔
-kolovoz sounds cool in Czech :masto_wink:
-studeni is very intelligible, but well, entire winter is "studená", "studené období" :-)
-rujan is also Czech name for peninsula on German coast of Baltic sea (Rügen), historically inhabited by Slavic tribes, but may be close to Czech říjen? (+shift by one month again? who is right? I had thought about "říjen" month maybe related to "Rujána" island before...)
-Croats got years and hours all wrong! Those relaxed southern Mediterranians :masto_wink: (but yes, it seems related to "god" for "year" is same with Russian)

BTW, romanization/transliteration of #Ukrainian month names [with prounounciation if they were written in #English | #Czech]

January = січень [siczen | sičeň] = leden
February = лютий [liutiy | ljutij] = únor
March = березень [berezeň] = březen 👈
April = квітень [kviteň] = duben 🤔
May = травень [traveň] = květen (máj) 🤔
June = червень [czerven | červeň] = červen 👈
July = липень [lipeň] = červenec
August = серпень [serpeň] = srpen 👈
September = вересень [vereseň] = září
October = жовтень [zhovten | žovteň] = říjen
November = листопад [listopad] = listopad 👈
December = грудень [hrudeň] = prosinec
month = місяць [misiyac | misjac] = měsíc 👈
year = рік [rik] = rok 👈

As for April, does it mean that Ukrainian language predicted global warming? Because now everything blooms in April, already, instead of May (květen = "month of blooms"). Or maybe, do we have more mountains and late spring?

Jake Broe is my new favourite correspondent for the war in #Ukraine. He seems very knowledgeable about the history of #Europe, of #war, as well as #Slavic language. He follows the war in Ukraine closely and is not a fan of the dictator #Putin.

Anyways, here's a video of his where he talks about #NorthKorean #soldiers in Ukraine - who should have been executed when wounded - but who were instead captured and interviewed.

Their families don't know where they are.

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