Any suggestions for an opengl crate for making games in #rust ?
@KevinWho three-d seems cool. You can use egui with it for an easy UI.
@whoisryosuke does that allow for low level things with the API? Looks interesting. All I keep finding are deprecated repo's. I wish gluim and stuff were still being supported
@KevinWho @whoisryosuke three-d allows for low-level things, it uses a glow context but it doesn't own it and it doesn't assume that it's not used for something else. That means you can use three-d to render some things easily and use glow to render something else that needs low-level control.
@KevinWho yeah it is kinda outdated. a lot of stuff is moving to WebGPU via wgpu. bevy might be better if you want better support/examples/plugins
the best three-d example I found was in egui repo, using their eframe to wrap everything. haven't seen any apps or games with it yet.
@whoisryosuke Looks interesting! Does it have compute shader support and other low level things? I want to try something with voxels so ill probably need a lot of low level customization.
@KevinWho yep! Not sure how low level it can get tho beyond that tho… There’s a nice video by @chrisbiscardi on compute
@whoisryosuke @KevinWho it does have compute shaders and other low level things. The API for rendering concerns is basically anything from low level wgpu to high level shader APIs (Materials)
@KevinWho there’s also a great Rust game dev Discord with people way smarter than me if ya want really specific advice on something
@KevinWho I'd probably go with
Also, here's an actively maintained (by rust gamedev discord) list of other relevant libraries:
@ozkriff interesting. I was looking at WGPU, why does that one have a star next to it?
@KevinWho WGPU is the default graphics API for rusty games atm, so I think it's starred in that list because of the 1st and 3rd reasons:
"The star emoji means that the framework is excellent for one of the reasons:
1) Has many followers and maintainers.
2) Might have few followers and maintainers, but is in excellent quality and passed the test of time.
3) Uses modern standards (compared to peers)."
Note: I wouldn't count on its OpenGL backend too much, the Vulkan/Metal backends dominate it