added speedlines to reward going fast
demonstrating it with the gold medal strat for this level
simple VFX breakdown:
generate mask in material maker
3x randomized with different seeds
channel packed into one tiny RGB image
stretched across a TextureRect
additive shader that adds 3 point filtering and chooses a channel based on modulo of time
@MenacingMecha Okay, here is a description of the video:
The video shows a screen recording of a user creating a speed line effect in the Godot game engine.
The video begins with a visual effect of black and white speed lines radiating out from the center of the screen. The user then changes the color of the speed lines to rainbow. The screen switches to the 2D view of the game engine, where the texture of the speed lines is displayed. The user then applies a shader to the texture, which makes the lines appear to move. The speed of the lines can be adjusted.
The audio consists of energetic electronic music with a fast tempo.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini