I've finished writing v1 of my "Intro to Game Development for Teens" for the camp I'm teaching this week.
The instructions are available for free and after this week I will also be writing a free teacher's guide if anyone else wants to go over this with their class or kids or whatever else.
(It's "for teens" because you need knowledge of the x, y coordinate plane and the guide covers the distance formula.)
I have a booklet form as well.
@Moosader I haven't used Love2D for it, but I have run classes for school kids using Lua and a custom 2D engine (originally HGE, later SFML). Lua is great as a starter language, especially since I hid most of the game stuff.
(Your docs are way better than anything I did)
It was for "Study Days", basically a marketing thing my college does where potential students (usually grades 10-12) can spend a day at the college to see if they like it. Hard to teach much when I only get them for 3 hours.
@kojack ya this is a college based "camp" (I'm doing the same thing over summer break a couple of weeks), I at least get them for 4 days! More time to experiment with code!
@Moosader 4 days would definitely help.
My one basically ends up being a "follow along with me" or "read ahead in this pdf" of making a simple space invaders (only about 110 lines of lua). Then we start messing with it (make huge explosions, make enemies aim their shots at the player, make the player shoot a spray of thousands of bullets, etc).
Last time I did it I had to use Unity (not my choice), it was painfully confusing for beginners.