Remember when online progressive #hacker / #privacy culture was anti-#copyright, anti-intellectual-property, pro-data hoarding and pro-piracy?
When the general utopia was a world where art was shared, free and the public collective property of all of society?
Why has everyone turned into the copyright police and decided "IP enforcement and DRM are good actually and I hope the state police finally does something to crack down on #cybercrime" since the #AI nonsense began?
Like, I am not pro-#GenAI in #art in the slightest, but I am upset that we all seem to collectively have done a 180 and now we're supposed to celebrate intellectual property enforcement, DRM and closed, paid, inaccessible art.
I still think art is a collective product of society and should not be guarded with intellectual property and copyright laws. That doesn't mean artists shouldn't be paid - it means that artists should be paid AND not hide art behind an inaccessible repressive law-wall.
@lianna these notions of being pro- or anti-intellectual property are meaningless anymore.
What we should be demanding now are laws that actually protect artists, not just their so-called “intellectual property.” But this requires nothing short of a all-out political revolution.
Now with AI firms stealing the labor of artists and using it to enrich themselves, it shows how empty and meaningless the concept of “intellection property” always has been. It was never about protecting artists, it always only ever for rent seeking. So demanding anything less than revolution is only enabling these crimes against art and artists.
@giacomo That might be your opinion. It's not common, much less the norm.
It's not a strawman - talk to those people. A large portion of the crowd behind the "protect artists" slogan are genuinely pro-DRM, pro-monetising every aspect of human life and expression (as long as the ones doing it aren't rich cishet white men but instead model minority "small businesses"), anti-copyleft, anti-common culture.
They *want* art and information to be inaccessible private property.
@lianna i see it as more a sentiment of "it needs to be for everyone or nobody" but i also wouldn't hate a situation where profitable organisations had to pay and individuals had free access.
@lianna Monetization is the root of all Enshittification.
@lianna internet is just changing and so is the world. Maybe people see less merit in the ways of #opensource maybe it’s just boring old greed.