In deep thought about Nosferatu Lore
Costumes by @Twinsofdestruction
"The Vampyre" (1819) by John William Polidori is the progenitor of the romantic vampire archetype in horror literature. Unlike many other vampires, Lord Ruthven can be killed by conventional weapons. However, if moonlight falls on his corpse, Ruthven comes back to life.
Did you know that our upcoming #gothichorror game is on Steam and you can WISHLIST it today? Please do! It really helps.
Our game is set in #Ireland in the infamous Hellfire Club
Jetzt aber mal was Schönes: Kuttenbilder! Denn eine Kutte ist nicht genug!
Oder um es mit Genosse Mielke zu sagen: "Die Pungs, die Skihäds, die Häwimedals und die Gruffitz!"
Waiting for the Nosferatu Directors Cut like... #Nosferatu #Victorianfashion #Meme #Nosferatumemes #Victorianmemes #Gothichorror #Horror #Horrormemes #Victorianfashion #Fantasy #Fantasycore #Horrorcore #DND #Victoriancore #Gothiccore #FYP #Foryourpage #aesthetic #RPG #RPGGame #Adventurecore
Habt ihr mitbekommen, wie #RobertEggers mit seinem »Nosferatu« (2024) dafür gesorgt hat, dass sich nun viele mit ›klassischer deutscher #GothicHorror-Kultur‹ beschäftigen?
So viele Texte und Videos von Leuz über z.B. Weimarer Film und deutsche Dunkelromantik, in vielen Sprachen.
Jüngste Genossin: Teilzeithobbitine Jess hat schon Vampir/Nosferatu-Essay gebracht, und rockt für ihren neusten Beitrag über (unzensierte) Gebrüder-Grimm-Märchen immer noch Weimar-Noir-Style.
Finally got around to seeing Robert Eggers' #Nosferatu in the theater. And I'm really glad I did.
Also watching a film like this in an old vintage single screen theater, kind of lent itself to the atmosphere.
The way Count Orlock's (Bill Skarsgard) voice and presence is all encompassing,
The cinematography and set pieces, I haven't been this immersed in a film in a while.
Favorite Character - #GretaTheCat, of course :)
Por lo que veo este micro es de 2016 y recuerdo que pretendía además de un homenaje al terror gótico de finales del XIX y principios del XX inspirado por #Lovecraft o #EmiliaPardoBazan ser un ejercicio práctico para aprender nuevos recursos, normalmente intento ser mucho menos ampuloso y rebuscado
¡Espero que os guste!
RELEASE DAY! Gothic Fantasy 'tour de force' that blends Beauty & the Beast with Gothic Horror - out in eBook and paperback now! Audio release 19 Feb on Eldritch Girl Podcast. #GothicHorror #GothicFantasy #NewBooks #BookLaunch
"They had not sailed another league,
A league but barely three,
When she espied his cloven foot
And wept most bitterly.
"'Oh hold your tongue, my love,' he cried.
'Why weep you so mournfully?
I said I would show you the lilies growing
On the banks of fair Italy.'"
- "The Daemon Lover" (British Ballad) Charles Vess
"Two yards of loose earth was the sole barrier between us. I said to myself - 'I'll have her in my arms again! If she be cold, I'll think it is this north wind that chills me; and if she be motionless, it is sleep.'"
- Emily Brontë, "Wuthering Heights" Fritz Eichenberg
I just finished #reading #TheSouthernBookClubsGuideToSlayingVampires by #GradyHendrix. This is the first book in a long time that has kept me up reading WAY too late. In spite of having a kid at home sick and needing my care, I finished this book in less than 3 days.
On the story: while the bloodsucker in question is, indeed, horrifically awful, the character I most despised was the MC's husband.
Bande-son du jour : #Nosferatu (musique de Robin Carolan pour le film de Robert Eggers).
Dive into darkness with Robert Eggers' "Nosferatu" - critics are raving about this gothic horror revival! Now Certified Fresh at 95% on Rotten Tomatoes. A must-watch for horror aficionados this holiday season!
Read the full article right here:
Mein gruseliger Adventkalender #24HorrorBooks schreitet voran - von #GothicHorror mit gespenstischen Villen über Vampire, dämonische Begleiter und Kreaturen aus der Tiefe bis hin zu #BodyHorror ist schon alles dabei. Wenn ihr gern #Horror lest (und vielleicht auch etwas Wert auf #frauenlesen legt), schaut beim # vorbei, vielleicht werdet ihr ja schon fündig. Und falls nicht, kann das auch noch werden: bis Weihnachten gibt's noch 18 weitere #Buchtipps!
"A hunter must hunt"
From @hmci_ event
PH @fundor333
#Bloodborne #Cosplay #BloodborneCosplay
#HunterCosplay #Yharnam #FromSoftware
#GamingCosplay #Cosplayltalia #DarkFantasy
#NightmareSlayer #GothicHorror #GamingCommunity
#CosplayOfTheDay #PS4 #PlayStation
#VideoGameCosplay #EpicCosplay
November 30, 2024 at 11:45AM
via Instagram
Last week, (just) in time for Halloween, I released a new single made as a soundtrack for online play of gothic horror TTRPGs. It’s got some music I’m genuinely happy with, and I hope you’ll check it out.
#halloween #gothichorror
#TTRPG #DnD #CurseOfStrahd #soundtrack
Housing Complex C is a Great Horror Anime.