Lillian Lorraine was born Ealallean De Jacques on January 1, 1892 in San Francisco, California.
Lillian Lorraine was born Ealallean De Jacques on January 1, 1892 in San Francisco, California.
Here's a fun bit of #MovieHistory and #RailroadHistory: In the opening scene of the Our Gang short, Pigskin Palooka, Alfalfa arrives home by train. This scene was filmed at Palms Station, in #CulverCity, just a few blocks from the Hal Roach studio, on the line from downtown LA to Santa Monica.
Since this was such a convenient location, it was used in a couple of other Hal Roach productions, including #LaurelAndHardy's Berth Marks.
The station still exists, but has been moved to Heritage Square, an open-air museum in Los Angeles.
Decades later, a modern Palms station was built on the same site (more or less), for the #LAMTA's Expo light rail line.
What exactly is a rolling shutter, and why we still use it in the digital age:
#MovieHistory #histtech #techhistory
A playlist of classic movies (legally available) on PeerTube. It includes The Little Shop of Horrors (1960), with cameo of a young Jack Nicholson, and the cult Carnival of Souls (1962).
Cruising (1980) starred Al Pacino as an undercover cop in New York’s gay scene. Check out our #YouTube video
This 1947 movie, Crossfire, is a relevant today as then.
A B-movie nominated for an Academy Award and produced by RKO, Crossfire “is a frank spotlight on #antisemitism.”
“Hating is always the same … it’s hard to stop,” Captain Finlay said in a pivotal scene.
20.9.1972 Berlin, leicht bewölkt, 17°C, Alexanderplatz, Promotion für den Science-Fiction Film "Eolomea" (DDR/UdSSR/Bulgarien)
Up for auction today, a fascinating find - the screenplay for Ice Station Zebra… #patrickmcgoohan #theprisoner #icestationzebra #movies #moviehistory #1960s #60s #alistairmaclean #hollywood
The Lord of the Rings (1978): A Groundbreaking Animated Adaptation
Before Peter Jackson's epic trilogy, there was Ralph Bakshi's visionary animated film that brought Tolkien's world to life.
Despite its limitations, the 1978 version remains a beloved classic for its ambitious storytelling and iconic scenes.
#LordOfTheRings1978 #TolkienLegacy #ClassicFantasy #MovieHistory
It's KING KONG'S 91st birthday!
Today (March 2) in 1933, the original King Kong premiered in theaters.
That's over NINE decades of the KING! And he's more popular now than ever. There was recently an animated series, a video game, a new comic series is coming out, another TV series is on the way, there's the toys, and of course Godzilla x Kong premieres at the end of this month.
Long live King Kong, the Eighth Wonder of the World. May he reign forever
I am not sure Wizards was the movie to follow up Silent Running with.
Now I'm just more depressed.
I did know about Wizards of course, but I didn't realise just how heavily it mirrors real life events. Should have assumed knowing Bakshi's history I guess, but I know his work from Spicy City most of all, and that isn't as on the nose with its world building
There has to be some robot movies that aren't about the world dying/man's disregard for life
- I am on a mission to watch all the movies containing robots I haven't seen (so more obscure stuff than matrix, AI, I robot, ghost in the shell, terminator etc)
On December 22, 1989, Earth Girls are Easy, debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s a drawing of D to mark the occasion!
#EarthGirlsAreEasy #GeenaDavis #JulienTemple #SciFiComedy #ScienceFiction #RomCom #1980sMovies #ComedyMovies FanArt #Art #TCMUnderground #SciFiArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
On December 22, 1978, The Ascent debuted in New York City. Here’s some Boris Plotnikov fan art!
#TheAscent #LarisaShepitko #BorisPlotnikov #SovietFilm #WarFilm #MosFilm #1970sCinema #WarDramaFilm #WWIIMovies #Art #FanArt #ClassicFilm #70sMovies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
On December 21, 1960, The Brides of Dracula debuted in France. Here’s some new art to celebrate!
#TheBridesOfDracula #Svengoolie #TerenceFisher #HorrorMovies #Horror #GothicHorror #MonsterMovies #HammerFilmProductions #60sHorror #BritishHorror #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
On December 21, 2012, Crumb was screened as a single feature on TCM Underground. Here’s some original R. Crumb art!
#Crumb #TerryZwigoff #RCrumb #Documentary #UndergroundCartoonist #Cartoonist #CultMovies #DocumentaryFilm #90sMovies #TCMUnderground ##MidnightMovies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
On December 21, 2000, But I’m a Cheerleader debuted in Germany. Here’s some new Natasha Lyonne art!
#ButImACheerleader #NatashaLyonne #BlackComedy #RomCom #Satire #90sMovies #LGBTQIA #QueerFilm #CultCinema #IndieFilm #QueerArt #Art ##MovieArt #MovieHistory
On December 21, 1968, Bullitt debuted in Japan. Here’s a portrait of Steve McQueen!
#Bullitt #ActionMovies #NeoNoir #SteveMcQueen #Carsploitation #DetectiveFilm #NeoNoirThriller #CrimeMovies #ActionMovies #CultMovies #MovieArt #MovieHistory
On December 20, 1971, Harold and Maude debuted in the States and Canada. Here’s some original Bud Cort and Ruth Gordon art!
#HaroldAndMaude #HalAshby #ComingOfAgeFilm #BlackComedy #ComedyDrama #1970sMovies #BuddyFilm #BuddyComedy #GallowsHumor #1970s #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
On December 20, 1980, Grand Theft Auto debuted in Japan. Here’s some Ron Howard and Nancy Morgan art!
#GrandTheftAuto #RonHoward #NancyMorgan #Carsploitation #RoadComedy #ExploitationFilm #70sMovies #RomanticComedy #RogerCorman ##ActionMovie #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory