Do you have any cute pet anecdotes you'd like to share? :D
Here are a couple from me:
I have two cats. Queen River of Snuggles the Enigmatic, and Captain Pixel Sandstorm the Heartmelter. Cat tax included.
River likes to be covered by blankets, and will beg us with meowing for us to place her on the bed and cover her. If we don't do this when she wants, she will claw her way up the bed, up under the blanket we use as a sheet, and stay as a lump there for hours.
Pixel refuses to play, but he cherishes his once-white fuzzy ball toy with a passion. He will keep track of it, and when @WahFo and I aren't looking, he picks up his toy and carries it around the apartment, yowling LOUDLY like he's in pain the whole time. This is just his Fuzzy Ball Time. If we interrupt it, he drops the ball and walks away, like he wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. If we try to toss his ball to play with him, he ignores us. His ball is reserved for Fuzzy Ball Time only.
What silly things have your pets done, or what fun behaviors do they have? :D