Here is my Bloodstained Ritual of the Night Perspective w/ Spoilers: #Bloodstainedritualofthenight #505Games #ArtPlay #PC #Steam #VideoGames #Horror #Supernatural #Metroidvania #Action #Perspective #Review
Here is my Bloodstained Ritual of the Night Perspective w/ Spoilers: #Bloodstainedritualofthenight #505Games #ArtPlay #PC #Steam #VideoGames #Horror #Supernatural #Metroidvania #Action #Perspective #Review
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (Part 1): Help Me Out Here
#TheBlues32 #BloodstainedRitualoftheNight #Bloodstained #RitualoftheNight #BloodstainedROTN #ArtPlay #Metroidvania
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night was so successful that a sequel is currently in the works, 5 years after the original game released on multiple platforms, including the Nintendo Switch. #BloodstainedRitualOfTheNight
@kevin via ps+ hatte ich anfangs erst mit #bloodstainedritualofthenight angefangen. Da kam ich aber irgendwann nicht weiter, wegen eines blöden Boss zeitgleich habe ich die #CastlevaniaAdvanceCollection und #CastlevaniaRequiemCollection geschenkt bekommen und dann mit #ariaofsorrow angefangen und es platiniert und das mache ich nun mit der ganzen Collection, einfach weil die ganzen Spiele liebe sind
kurzum, auf der Playstation 5
Ich habe #bloodstainedritualofthenight etwas pausiert, da ich am aktuellen Boss nicht vorbei komme & habe gestern aus der #CastlevaniaAdvanceCollection mit #ariaofsorrow angefangen und bin direkt wieder verliebt in das Spiel ohne krasse Seelen ist es natürlich noch etwas mühselig aber trotzdem geil und der Boss war jetzt auch nicht wirklich schwer
Während meine Freundin zur Vorbereitung auf #lifeisstrangedoubleexposure weiter #lifeisstrange spielt, arbeite ich weiter an der Platin Trophäe in #bloodstainedritualofthenight
Meine Freundin hat zuerst #lifeisstrange2 , dann #LifeisStrangeTrueColors und dann #lifeisstrangebeforethestorm gespielt, alle zu 100% und nun komplettiert sie natürlich auch noch #lifeisstrange
Mein Tag wird aus #bloodstainedritualofthenight , #talesofsymphoniaremastered , #YugiOhMasterDuel , #darksouls + reales Yu-Gi-Oh spielen mit meiner Freundin bestehen
spiele heute #bloodstainedritualofthenight (Bild 1) weiter - das habe ich für zwischendurch angefangen, auch weil ich lange kein klassisches #Castlevania mehr gespielt habe, auch wenn es nicht Castlevania heißt
hätte ja gerne die #CastlevaniaAdvanceCollection (Bild 2) aber die Preise sind ja utopisch geworden
Im #PSNStore gibt es die Collection allerdings für nur 20€ - vielleicht ist es ja nächsten Monat möglich - mal schauen
And here we go, at very long last, the Final part of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night! Loved this game, and will definitely be playing it again in the future.
(Hopefully it won't take me this long to fully publish a series in the future haha, sorry about that)
This is a welcome development. I went into Bloodstained expecting a contemporary take on Symphony of the Night; a platformer with RPG elements. I would have been perfectly happy with that. It kind of starts out that way, but now that I've defeated the boss in the prologue, the game's true nature has been revealed: it's a full on side-scrolling RPG! Shops, sidequests, alchemy... I can do this.
Well, after picking up Symphony of the Night for the first time in years to treat myself to some nostalgia, I haven't gotten very far into it, and I've decided to just jump in and start Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night as well! The latter has been in my backlog for years now.
Bloodstained, of course, is the spiritual successor to Symphony of the Night, being a new reinvention of the formula which made Symphony of the Night such a success. Bloodstained reunites SotN co-director Koji Igarashi and composer Michiru Yamane, so it definitely feels and sounds like its predecessor.
Barely half an hour into Bloodstained, and I'm already enjoying it a lot. I don't know if easier is the right word, but Bloodstained is definitely a lot more forgiving than Symphony of the Night, at least to start. I've gotten to the first boss, but failed to defeat it on my first try, so I'll be having another go soon enough. It's definitely fun, so far. Hoping there isn't a big difficulty spike as I move forward...
Part 18 of my Playthrough of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night!
End of an era - Five years after its initial release, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night has just received its final content update in the form of 'Classic II... #BloodstainedRitualOfTheNight
Hopefully this qualifies for Retro-Gaiden, being a spirtual successor to the old Castlevanias and all. If not, sorry about that.
Part 17 of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
Much like the RE4 video, this one has been waiting a long while - two years this June - to get published. But it's finally happening. The gates to the backlog are opening.