Uh oh, I'm warming to #UnrealEngine Blueprints. They're really much faster for prototyping than C++...
@_benui Haha! That's the big thing for me, sketching. Easy enough to code again in whatever lang once you're clear what you want. That said, there's still a lot of #Blueprint tooling missing but it's coming along (and I'm working on tools of my own too).
@_benui they actually aren't that bad, and a lot of your prototypes can even survive the prototyping stage.
Big issue with blueprints is working with literally anyone else on a project. Blueprint merges are hell.
@RoyAwesome right now it's just me messing around so it's wonderful!
@_benui yeah. I used it a lot pre-livecoding. I still use it with all my C++ heavy systems to actually implement game mechanics. Things like GameplayAbilities and stuff work so well in BP. They're an actual joy to build.
@_benui Blueprints are great while you’re writing them for sure. Maintaining / refactoring them .. not so much
@sinbad that's why I'm just using them for messing around ;)
@_benui Wise. But I really want to love BPs more, especially post BPAssist. But I always end up at the "me sowing, me reaping" meme