Is Linux so mainstream now that it can be entitled Malware? Joining (in my opinion) Windows and MacOS/OSX and Android and iOS? ... just kidding ... or am i? ;-)
I just gave up on #BryanLunduke after his latest rant about #pronouns
From once in the time doing his presentation of "Why #Linux Suxx" which were great to now just posting #maga rants, it's just time to stop following him.
Bluesky has banned Lunduke for trolling.
Since all his trolling was on the same post it's hard to be sure if he was banned for transphobia or spreading election-fraud lies or attempted-insurrection lies.
Maybe the system will be better moderated than I thought.
Though Singal seems to still be there.
Probably depends on how famous you are. Lunduke just ain't famous enough to escape the moderation.
Should I remove All my images from OpenAI?
(hint: anyone who includes one of my 40000 published images available under cc-by-sa-4.0 in a post on the Internet would exclude that Post from being used as Training Data for GPT)
For anyone wondering why #Lunduke is so loathed, here's a deep dive video with receipts throughout:
Not a nice guy
I have mixed feelings about #Lunduke being (back?) on the Fediverse.
Dude's videos got me back into Linux full-time five years ago.
Like many, I find his politics VERY concerning.
I'm not going to ignore the infamy he seems to enjoy, nor his penchant for twisting facts wholesale to his liking, but neither will I be joining the hate train.
Hopefully, he will find the Fediverse as welcoming and liberating as I have for the past two years.
lol, no they gonna eat him alive
@_o_o_ Watching it right now. I had put that video on hold for a while because I expected it might make me a little sad.
I had lost track of #Lunduke since he left YouTube, but the "Linux sucks" videos were super helpful for me, when I migrated to #Linux many years ago.
I wish we could all try to follow that old "be awesome to each other" approach, but well, sometimes easier said than done, I guess...
¿Recuerdas las simpáticas charlas de "Linux sucks"?
Pues me entero ahora que el famoso autor de estas charlas llamado Lunduke es de lo peor como persona humana.
Gracias a @niccolove por su trabajo.
Thanks for your video, @niccolove!
I agree with you: you should never talk to right-wing conspiracy theorists. They've abandoned the common ground of logic and reason, so there's nothing to learn from them. You won't be able to change their minds with arguments either, because they are immune to them.
In the end, it is precisely people like this who pose a danger to the well-being and lives of others.
Last year, #Lunduke also targeted SUSE as antisemitic and I guessed at the time it must have to do with something too liberal for him they’ve said.
Weil gerade ein #Mozilla-CEO-kritischer Text von Bryan #Lunduke rumgereicht wird: Er mag diesmal in der Sache Recht haben, aber verlinkt nicht diesen Rechtslibertären!
[Plus viele weitere Drittthreads, die ich gespeichert hatte, aber die Leute löschen ja dauernd ihre Tröts oder rotieren im Unverstand ihre Instanzen.]
@Jeremiah Please don’t link to #Lunduke. He is a totally nuts, right-wing libertarian.
Some references: