#cr20gc #devlog #gamedev #godot
Okay, getting to the end of the week. I want to have this game wrapped-up in some state of "done" before then - there's one last glaring set of issues which once dealt with I will force myself to call it wrap before I get sucked into another round of improvements. After that I can finally move on to the next game to keep building my game-dev skill-set.
Speaking of the next game, I decided to toss things up by swapping out *River Raid* with something I am more interested in and played a pivotal role in developing my love for video games as a kid. Here's a (maybe too obvious) hint as to what game that is:
As a mini-recap, here's what I learned and achieved from this current project:
- I learned a bit about Godot project structure and how I (don't) like to organize things.
- I designed a system which allowed me to dynamically (i.e. recursively load from a path) add segments/levels to the game.
- I learned about and used `@tool` annotations (i.e. running code in the editor) to assist with level-design.
- Learned when to use signals, and maybe when not to.
- I learned a bit more about UIs in Godot (still a long way to go).
And here are some things I wish I got around to learning, but will try and catch next time:
- Audio and sound effects
- Save states and storage
- Scene transitions and loading states
I'll be writing a blog post on this project over the weekend which will include a summary of my process, lessons learned, and the challenges I faced, and of course, a playable version of the game. :) You can expect that on Monday!